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Wait a Second

In hectic everyday life, our smartphones are always at hand to fill any gaps. Moments of not doing anything have become rare, as everything is fast-moving and seems to be available with only a few clicks. The installation "Wait a Second" asks the question whether we sometimes lose ourselves in the constant search for distraction and productivity. In "Wait a Second", doing nothing turns into an experience.


The phygital installation, which was developed for the exhibition "Nichts" at the Museum of Communication in Bern, encourages visitors to spend a moment consciously doing nothing. During this moment, their silhouettes slowly appear on a wall in front of them. The longer one persists in doing nothing, the longer the silhouette remains visible on the wall before disappearing again into the nothingness. Through the experience, doing nothing can be seen in a completely new light.

Project by Saskia Morgenegg & Julian Gander


Created with TouchDesigner

Realized as part of the modules Explore 2, Design 2 & Realize 2 - BA Spatial Design - HSLU

In cooperation with the Museum of Communication, in Bern

Spring Semester 2023

Exhibited at the Museumsnacht 2024 in Bern in the Museum of Communication

Published in Hochparterre

Wait a Second Experience
Wait a Second Experience of a visitor
Wait a Second Experience Visuals
Wait a Second Experience of a visitor
Wait a Second Experience Visuals
Wait a Second Experience
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