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Our work takes up most of our day and thus has an enormous impact on our lives. Therefore, it should be a priority to feel comfortable not only in our free time, but also at the workplace itself.

The X-Office consists of a virtual office space with an environment that is individually designed for the users and can be changed at the touch of a button, creating a suitable working atmosphere for each activity. It can be experienced wearing a VR headset. The computer screen your working on would be displayed in VR as well, allowing you to work as you would normally in a real, physical environment. Essentially, the concept intends to increase the general well-being at the workplace and ultimately have a positive impact on the overall work-life balance.

Project by Saskia Morgenegg & Jacqueline Balosetti

Created with Unity

Realized as part of the module Media 1 - BA Spatial Design - HSLU
December 2021

X-Office beach view
X-Office winter landscape
X-Office rainforest
X-Office lake
X-Office desktop beach
X-Office prototype VR
X-Office planet
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