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GLITCH explores the principles of openings, specifically entrances and how they are perceived & how illusions of openings can be created in order to build an escape game. The user is sent on a journey through static noise & experiences the feeling of the loss of a signal from an old TV. Within the pixel chaos the user will feel lost themselves and perceive the hectic nature of static noise, which results in them trying to find the exit.

Project by Saskia Morgenegg


Created with Blender & Mozilla Hubs

Realized as part of the module Intro 2 - BA Spatial Design - HSLU

19.09.2022 - 13.10.2022

Exhibited in Raumwelten 16.11.2022 - 18.11.2022

GLITCH no signal room
GLITCH black & white rooms
GLITCH black & white rooms
GLITCH static noise room
GLITCH room view
GLITCH room view
GLITCH room view
GLITCH room view

To explore GLITCH click

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