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The exhibition Filisurreal shows art installations, which are fluidly integrated into nature and play with elements of the railroad line. Philosophical approaches about time in connection with train travel are conveyed. Through delocalization and alienation, the installations become surreal creations. The exhibition aims to attract young, creative minds to the region's natural environment, to offer them new perspectives and to encourage them to think. The location and nature of the exhibition invites visitors to experience the Rhaetian Railway UNESCO World Heritage Site in a completely different way.

Project by Saskia Morgenegg & Giannina Camenzind

Created with Photoshop & Illustrator

Realized as part of the module Understand & Model /
Design & Model - BA Spatial Design - HSLU

In cooperation with the Rhaetian Railway (RhB)
Spring semester 2022

Exhibited at the Werkschau 2022

25.06.2022 - 03.07.2022

Filisurreal surreal pattern
Filisurreal display board
Filisurreal train stop shelter
Filisurreal Tunnel of Illusions
Filisurreal window
Filisurreal train tracks
Filisurreal ticket machine
Filisurreal Flyer side1
Filisurreal Flyer side2
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